AGLAD Wetland Delineation

About this Project

This wetland delineation was performed at the Ted Stevens International Airport Organic Disposal Site by Paug-Vik Services, LLC (PVS) for EEIS Consulting Engineers, Inc. The area was an old borrow source used in the 1970’s. Several wetlands evolved in low-lying areas within the perimeter of the excavated borrow source. Excavation material from the Anchorage Global Logistics Airport Development Postmark Air Cargo Facility Project (AGLAD) was planned for placement into this former borrow site on airport property. Portions of the wetland boundaries that were adjacent to potential fill areas were delineated to meet the objective of avoiding placement of excavation material within a designated distance of wetlands determined by the Corps of Engineers (COE), and within 300 feet of the Tony Knowles Coastal Trail.